(title was from an old Popeye cartoon)
Just finished the first batch of Salami today. I tried to smoke some yesterday and succeeded in welcoming the local fire dept to my apartment bldg. My upstairs neighbor had his windows and his front door open which allowed the smoke from my salami get into the hallways - setting off the fire alarm.
My luck... I have neighbors burning steaks and chicken wings on their barbecues all summer long and no alarm. I try to lightly smoke 5 rolls of salami and all Hell breaks loose. Luckily, the management is treating this as an accident and won't fine me ($250!). Next time I'll use less apple wood and be more attentive. As long as the dude upstairs isn't airing out his crib.
At least the firemen were cool. They commented that it smelled good and said the next time I set off the alarm, have some already done for samples. That's no problem but the $250 dollars is a bit steep to try this again.
Anyway, I used the oven for the remaining 14 hours of baking. I set the oven @ 175 to 200 degrees and bake the rolls for 14 to 16 hours.
This sample is a bit early for me. It tastes great but needs to set up a couple of days in the fridge. Then I wrap the rolls up in plastic wrap, then foil and freeze for the big family get together in April - Opening Day of fishing season!
I have one more batch to make - pepperoni. This will be a real test of my talents because my past attempts came up short. I have trouble with the consistency. It's all good. This particular recipe is rather warm and goes great with a sharp cheddar or Havarti.
So Mote It Be,
David A.
I have one more batch to make - pepperoni. This will be a real test of my talents because my past attempts came up short. I have trouble with the consistency. It's all good. This particular recipe is rather warm and goes great with a sharp cheddar or Havarti.
So Mote It Be,
David A.
Yer makin' my mouth water. It looks great.
Looks damn good!
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