Been pretty serious lately. Lots of anxiety in the Toobs this past week. Through it all, I've been tending my meager garden of veggies and herbs. Net buddies Monkeyfister and the Ornery Bastard, Busted Knuckles have posted about their contributions to the produce aisle, now it's my turn.
I live in a small apartment with limited sun coming from the east and southeast. Trees line the parking lot on my east so the sun doesn't get to shine on my plants until around 10 or 11am. Regardless, I'm growing some tomatoes, peppers and some herbs. I hope to get some potatoes in a planter real soon.
Here are some photos of my progress...

These are the tomatoes. On the left is Sunsugar Cherry and LaRoma on the right. The Roma was moved to this spot for the photo then moved back into the sun. So far, so good. Lots of blossoms and there are bees around.

Here are my peppers. We have Yellow Bell on the top, Serrano in the middle and Super Chili on the bottom. The yellow bell and the super chili have started to bud, the serrano is still thinking about it.

My herbs so far. I have rosemary on the left, basil and greek oregano at right front and hiding in the right rear is lemon thyme.
Mmmm, can hardly wait!
Update! Go forth and take a look at
Monkeyfister's place. He's got some damn fine photos of his garden up for all to see. Also, if anyone has pics of their efforts and want some props, I'll be happy to post them here with proper kudos.
Weather Update! Buggers! Came home last night from work to find that the minor lightning storm we had blew my garden from one side of the deck to the other. My poor Yellow Bell was sent careening down two stories to the pavement below. I got everyone back in place, watered and secured them and hope like mad that this didn't set me back. These kids were doing so well! I should have expected the wind but was preoccupied as I was rushing out the door.
Happy Gardening!
So Mote It Be,
David A.